Micro-injection and infusion system for petiole palm and tree

Benefits of Mauget's petiole palm micro-injection and infusion system: For the deserning client who wants the best.


  • There is no permanent trunk damage from the repeateadly drilling in the palm trunk.
  • There is no unsightly black staining to the trunk from the wound bleeding.
  • There are no shell casings left behind (Which number of shell cases increases from year to year).
  • It can be applied in commercial or residential landscapes, interior and exterior plant scapes.
  • Environmentally friendly, there is no drift and a reduced risk of exposure to the applicator, community and the environment.  Mauget can be applied to palms or trees near environmentally sensitive areas including ponds, streams, parks and schools where sprays, soil drenches and other application methods cannot.  
  • Long residual.
  • Higher volumes (up to 20 ml.)
  • No bark  separation.
  • Very fast uptake.
  • Completely enclosed, minimal risk application method.
  • Allows you to get up into the canopy of the palm for a visual examination for disease and insect problems; e.g. Looking for palm weeval damage or bud rot.